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Alumni Program
5 minutes

Are You Taking Care of Yourself?

Medically Reviewed
Last Medically Reviewed on: 20220528
Infinite Recovery's alumni photo near the ballpark

Medically Reviewed by

Updated on

25 May, 2022

    by James Boner, Alumni Coordinator

    Self-care is an essential part of anyone’s recovery. There is nothing better than the feeling of having done something for yourself and improving your sense of self-worth. Recovery, just like life, is a wave of high points and low points. If we do not take the time to make deposits in ourselves then we will surely not survive when the low spots hit.

    There are many ways that these deposits can be made. It could be as simple as treating yourself to a nice meal after a job well done, giving someone a compliment, telling yourself positive affirmations, adulting, meeting with your doctor to better your health, talking to a counselor to work on your mental health, doing something fun with friends, and/or volunteering. These are just a few simple things that one can do to take care of themselves. It is a tough world out there and if you are able to do even just one thing, simply making your bed or listening to someone when they are talking to you, this will give you a sense of accomplishment and build your self-esteem for when the rough spots come.

    The Alumni Program is here to help you achieve the maximum deposit that you can attain of self-care through fellowship, service, and support! We want to help and support you in every way possible, whether it is finding that job, a meeting you really like, a new sponsor, learning a new skill, going back to school, or whatever it will take to boost your self-esteem and sense of self-worth. We offer lots of service opportunities because nothing feels better than after a rough day, you can look back on a fond memory with some friends and remember all the good that you did to help make the world a better place and give back to your community. Our fun and fellowship are unlike no other! We have the greatest time ever together doing all sorts of wonderful activities and making memories that you will never forget all while creating such a feeling of joy that you could never have dreamed of! So come get involved!!

    Come out to a fellowship event, join us at a day of service work, or maybe just log on to the meeting if you are far away! The Infinite Alumni Program is a great place to start working on your self-care as well as building the fellowship you deserve. You will be surprised how just by attending we will help your life in recovery grow beyond your wildest dreams!

    Alumni Spotlight

    “On December 4, 2019, I had reached, just as our Big Book tells us all REAL alcoholics will, the dreaded jumping-off point, the place of pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization, where I couldn’t imagine life with, or without alcohol. After a life spread thin with the veil of success, self-importance, and more ego and one human should be able to handle and a host of stage characters that no longer had an answer, I was surrendered by a power greater than myself and separated from alcohol. Nearly 2 ½ years later, my journey in recovery continues to evolve. The program outlined in the first 164 pages of the Big Book became my manual for life. I am continually amazed that words written nearly 100 years ago continue to meet me where I am farther away from my last drink than I have ever been. My journey of recovery and an adequate presentation of the program, along with a ton of supportive, compassionate, and honest people began at Infinite Recovery that day. I will be forever grateful for men who were more concerned about my life than my feelings. That mustard seed of willingness has grown into the daily practice of living the principles outlined in the 12 Steps, working with other men, attending meetings, and surrounding myself with people who hold me accountable. My life has truly been transformed into something beyond my wildest dreams. Trust God, Clean House, Help Others…indeed…WE CAN RECOVER!”

    Rob M.Sobriety Date – 12/04/2019

    What Are We Up To?

    Infinite Recovery participated in The Sober Softball Spring Classic organized by Recover ATX. Our shining stars, staff and alumni members, played hard and spread positivity! Stay tuned! Softball will be coming back this fall.

    Our service work this month was awesome! We spent time and had dinner with the students at The Nest Empowerment Center, a program of The Georgetown Project.  A huge thanks to Bebe Johnson, Program Director!

    Learning & Growing

    Positive Affirmations – Never Let Them Go!

    by Rosana Sielaff, ACPS, LCDC-I, Infinite Recovery Alumni Manger

    We know that conditions and events of our lives can shape our emotions and ultimately our behaviors.  Humans have learned conceptions, thoughts, reactions, and feelings from the group who they interact with.  How many times have you heard or said, ‘we are who we are’?  It sounds hopeless. Make me think that I don’t have anything else to do, just sit and accept my destiny, right? Guess what, you are so wrong about it. Regardless of how bad it sounds, we are not the final product of those interactions and we have full control of our destiny. We have the freedom and flexibility to change who we are every single millisecond of the day!  Science is on our side and hundreds of researchers have proven that we can make our destiny when we set ourselves to do so.  This is beyond awesome! Knowing that we can better ourselves and our lives despite what happened in our past gives us the freedom and certainty of an amazing future.

    How can it happen?  Put yourself at the top of the world, you deserve it!  Use the principles of self-affirmation that you have learned here at Infinite Recovery.  Affirmations can decrease stress, increase well-begin and open you to behavior change.  Science has confirmed that people who practice self-affirmations showed increased activity in the brain area associated with reward.  The same reward area that has been activated for the drug use that turned your life upside down.  Got that?  Simple math: use self-affirmations daily to relearn to love yourself and embrace self-esteem and self-worth. Do you know why? Because you can! Because you deserve it!

    Do whatever it takes to use positive affirmations daily and daily you’ll see the benefits of it.  This is part of your personal recovery capital, and you’ll be able to invest and capitalize thousands of dividends to yourself.   A few suggestions to start your self-affirmation list today: “ I choose to …”, “Even though I …, I will allow ….”, “I give myself permission to …”, and “I can …”

    All the best!

    Michael Dadashi

    Medical Content Writer

    Family owned and operated since 2014, Infinite Recovery was founded by Michael & Ylianna Dadashi to give those struggling with addiction a second chance and help to rebuild their lives. Clean and sober since 2009, Michael is passionate about helping others discover their authentic self and live a life of true freedom and purpose.

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